Monday, August 31, 2020

Why should we have homework? By Kezia


To Mrs Healy,

I strongly believe that there should be homework at Oamaru Intermediate School. Having been an OIS student for 1 and a half years, I feel it is now my duty to tell you that homework would benefit me and my peers with our learning. I hope to convince you that this is the right thing to do for your students, and that you begin re-negotiations to change this. What better way to prepare kids for High school?

Firstly, High school has a lot of homework and we need to be prepared for it. There will be kids that go to high school, and get overwhelmed by too much of it for every subject. This can result in low grades, flunking out, or worse- not achieving their dream job. If OIS had homework, we’d have a better reputation than we already have! Surely you want us to achieve better grades and learn with purpose like our school value states? Studies show that homework improves academic achievement with tests, assessments and the likelihood to attend University. 

Secondly, we don’t have a lot of time in class. Roughly, we only get around 3 hours learning a day. That’s about 12 hours a week, excluding Fridays, because then we have modules, PE and Assembly. That’s not much time in class. But if we had homework, we would be learning more every day. For example, the teacher could send out a google slide including all of our Homework for the week, just like we had in Lockdown. There could be a bit of Maths, Reading and Writing activities that we could choose from. Another good idea would be that classrooms have a self-checking system, where the teacher puts the answers on the wall at the back of the class and students could mark their own homework, so that there isn’t any added pressure on the teacher for extra books to mark. 


Lastly, there are many skills that are crucial for later on in life that students are learning from this, such as independence and time management. I know our teacher really wants us to be learning independently, and this is probably the best way to do so. We aren't around friends or distractions, and we are where we are usually most comfortable- home. This will be a great way to extend our knowledge and ability to manage our time and self. We will be managing our own time by prioritizing our homework getting finished, not playing video games instead. If there is a prize for those who finish homework, the others would learn to finish their homework so they get a prize as well. 

In summary, These are all the reasons why I truly believe that Oamaru Intermediate School should have homework, as it would prepare us for high school, extend daily learning time, and teach us useful skills for later on in life. Please consider the points I have made in this letter carefully. I look forward to hearing your response. 



Thursday, August 20, 2020

100 word challenge (138 word challenge )

                           Water        Frozen      Striped       Rubber    Excited

¨Bye sweetie have a great day!¨ Mum said cheerfully.

¨Muumm!¨ Don't embarrass me¨" 12 year old Katie said as she slammed the car door.

It was a typical winter Tuesday morning in Oamaru,  the water in the gutter frozen and the sky overcast and grey. Katie walked to class alone, she didn't have many people to hangout with. Well, there was Emily in her class, but she didn't really count. Katie was happy by herself, as her Dad always said: 

¨It's better to have your own comfort¨ 

As she got closer to the gates, her only view was people in stripes, which is their school uniform. The rubber that Katie always fiddled with bounced against her lunchbox in her school bag. Katie was just busy trying to remember the date of cross country, when she saw it......

*Comment down below if you have to wear uniform at your school! *

Monday, August 10, 2020

How do humans get pimples? By Kezia

 How do humans get pimples? 

Almost 8 in 10 people have pimples, including some adults. Everyone at some point in their life gets them. The formation of pimples occur when oil glands become clogged. Your body sends blood-turning the bump red- and immune cells to the germs lurking in the blockage, sucking them all up. Pimples are natural, and they have their own cycle to complete. 

Firstly, pimples form due to the hair follicle in your skin that contains sebaceous glands. These glands make an oil called sebum, that liquid rises through to the surface and moisturises your hair and skin. Usually, the glands produce the correct amount of sebum, but as you hit puberty, your hormones stimulate the rate of sebum produced.

Secondly, the glands release sebum inside the pores, at the same time, new skin cells are also growing as well, shedding the outer layers of skin. Sometimes, these skin cells are not shed and block the pores, meaning that the extra amount of sebum is stuck inside. That then forms a bump around it. because the sebum provides food for bacteria, they start to build their colonies in it and start to multiply, causing an infection! 

Lastly, Our body quickly reacts by sending blood and immune cells to fight it. The blood turns the infected area red and the immune cells attack the bacteria, eliminating them. This all results in the swelling and formation of a pimple. There are ways to help reduce the amount of pimples that appear on your face such as washing your face day and night. An interesting fact is that the population of around 1200 kitavan islanders in Papua, New Guinea reported no pimples at all! And it was the same case in the Aiche tribe in Paraguay. Researchers think that this is because of their diet, which is entirely free from refined sugar, and processed foods. 

In conclusion, the cycle of the development of pimples happens naturally, and you shouldn't panic and try to pop them. I hope you have learnt more about how and why humans get pimples.  

By Kezia