Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ideas if you're stuck at home!!

Hello everyone! As many of you will know, our current situation right know requires most of us to stay home. If you're like me, and you are bored to tears, then keep reading to find out what you can do to be free from boredom.... My first piece of advice is to list out All your options. be realistic-you will find that within 1 minute alone you will have a whole page of ideas! Weather it be starting a bullet journal,teaching your siblings, going for a run, they are all productive ideas to make the most of your spare time. My second idea is to take a break from devices. Yes, I know you might be thinking "NO I simply couldn't" and you'll exit out of my this tab on your computer. But it is very healthy if you aren't on technology 24/7. I save my watching time till 4:00pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday's, so that it becomes a sort of a treat to look forward to. (Throw in lemonade and some chips to) I hope this all helps your boredom. Stay safe, stay home and save lives! ~Kezia


  1. Hello Kezia,
    l am excited to note that you have decided to address the present situation worldwide and provide some nice tips on staying home, appreciated, Kezia. Here in Kenya,we are all #stay home. What about suggesting keeping daily events in the neighborhood for future records?
    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Thomas,
    Thank you for your comments! I will certainly think about that when I am writing my next post about all of this. What is it like living in Kenya at the moment?
    Kind regards, Kezia
