Sunday, May 3, 2020

Winter poem

Winter By Kezia Winter is grey with blank brown 🌳🌲 Grass 🌲⬆️ 💚 sprouting from the soil, The scent of ⛈️ merges with 💦 paint, 🌬️ 💨, creating mini 🚪⬆️ 🌪️, Exquisite 🔥🌡️ 🍫 explodes in my 👄, All is fresh, 🔇 ➕ lonely in 👥⬅️ nation. Ye, it is so close to Winter in beautiful New Zealand! What is it like where you live?I wrote this poem to see if you can translate it back to original form! Comment down below! I'd love to hear from you!! Stay healthy and safe everyone.


  1. G'day Kezia,
    I could understand some of it. I love the phrases:
    Exquisite heat explodes in my mouth
    All is fresh, no sound and lonely in (black and white backward nation) but I am pretty sure that is not correct.

    PS If you want others to leave a comment that dont have a Google account, you need to have Name/URL or Anonymous as options for commenting.

  2. Hi my name is Blake is spring in California were i live it is very hot.
